I agree with you, and wish I could get her out of the tank... or even the Sohal for that matter. It sucks to have a large tank with endless escape routes and hiding spots. I also worry about stressing her out with capturing her and putting her into my fuge... alone. She did not eat today, but she is healing and looks okay. She is still banished to the corner but does have the nerve to swim around at times. The Sohal is just making sure she stays on her side of the tank, and he is not being violent to her at all. She is a very sassy fish and I think she got knocked back down the totem pole.
It is hard to know what to do, since if I leave her in the display she could get killed, but if I QT her, the stress of that alone may kill her... I would hate to lose her either way and feel like my hands are tied at the moment.
Originally Posted by naesco
Good to hear she is doing better. I prefer the cautious approach as I have lost a tang to dogfights in the past.