Hello stranger!!! Believe me with all the awesome rock I had bought from you, I have so much real estate and nooks and crannys for the fish to hide in. I have to admit the sailfin was being a little monster and infuriating the Sohal. She would make him mad so he would chase her into a rock he could not fit into, as he was at the entry she would slap him back and forth across the head with her tail. It would put him in a rage. It looked pretty hilarious and he would be looking all over for her and she would hide out. I guess he caught up to her today.
I am just hoping she got put into her place and will accept the pecking order. With all my fish they have always worked things out themselves even though it was a rough couple of days. As bad as she was filleted this morning it's already healing up and she seems alright.
Nobody bothers with the awesome rabbitfish you gave me. She has grown a lot since she came home... I think we can eat her soon. My husband calls her "the tuna"...
Originally Posted by Razz
I would let them go for now, if you can shift a bit of rock for one of them (sailfin) to get behind it may work it self out. You are still running a sizeable tank so a little seperation and a bit of real estate ownership transfer may just solve it. Try to keep the front to back seperated for them, I had a powder blue chase a sail for over three months but next thing they are together go figure?