I'd be interested.
I tried to get this off the ground a few years ago but the idea didn't take. Not to be too big a sourpuss or anything but once you start talking about formalizing and having club executives and bylaws and AGM's people start to cool to the idea after a while. At the time I was willing to do all that, because if we did have a club like that, then we can try to host a MACNA one day (maybe that's like 10 years from now though, but if we don't plant the seed, it will never happen). But now that I have two kids, I'm not down for all that anymore.

I'll throw my support behind any intiative we do come up with even if it IS a "let's just get together every so often and hang out and gawk at tanks or swap frags" but even for something more, if someone's willing to do the leg work I'll put my name down for it for sure. We could even try to see if we could ally ourselves with CAS, there might be some benefit to that.
Anyhow, colour me interested in the idea.