Originally Posted by oilfieldsafety
So I was plumbing up my new (used) 90 and a question came to mind, this is my first system that will have a sump so I was more or less going to match what I have seen done on other systems that I have seen. Most of these have been plumbed with 1" line running from the pump to the tank even though the output of the pump was 1/2 or 3/4 inch. Now I assume that this was done with friction in mind and wanting to get max flow, but by going to a larger diameter pipe won't you increase your head pressure due to weight of the water column and in fact decrease your flow? Thoughts?
Originally Posted by Myka
Ooooooh but that was my point!!! If it's 1200 psi out of a 1/8" nozzle, it ain't gonna be 1200 psi out of a 4" tube.
Cat urine glows under a black-light