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Old 03-17-2009, 05:13 AM
PFoster PFoster is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 576
PFoster is on a distinguished road

Here it is actually:

You will notice that the time lapse does not start until 2 min in.
There is a reason for this. We didnt think that gorgonia would react quite so quickly!

We have fed a great many other lines of food and it usually takes at least a few min to get a reaction from the gorg, if you get any reaction at all that is.

So we dose the food before the camera was set up and then had to scramble to get the camera setup to snap these pics.

Before we dosed the Fauna Marin Sea Fan the surface of the gorgonia was perfectly smooth and within min you could see the gorg already reacting and starting to open!