I woke up this morning to find all my fish dead. Shrimps dead. Urchin dead. All the fish I just bought dead. Alfred, my favourite Yellow Tang dead. Starting testing my water and found my nitrate had a huge spike in it. I blame this on my FX5, I should of had a sump, which Im building right now. Im devastated. Please dont tell me what a moron I am, Ive already figured this out. Im hoping all my corals dont die. can I change my screen name to nobodyshouse?
I lost:
Yellow tang
Clown Tang
Other Tang
2 fire shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
3 damsels
Cleaner Wrasse
Mosiac Wrasse
Lemon Wrasse
2 Dartfish
2 Gudgeon
Spiny Urchin
Mated pair Blue Line Cinnamon Clowns
other Gobies and various other creatures