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Old 03-13-2009, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by fencer View Post
I wondered about this too. I would think that they evaporate the seawater and collect the residual salt and add it to the wholesaler salt. Since trace elements are in the ppm to ppb range. I also imagine they add supplments to their salt to balance the composition. I have a hard time imagining that the use of evaporate sea salt can be uniform from batch to batch.

FYI...sort of related. I have seen in refineries that produce gasoline make blends for other companies. The refinery just adds the components that the buyer request in the gas. I would think by the same token many sellers of salt buy from the same wholesaler and the wholesalers just blends the trace components in as per the buyers request. It is possible that the salts inquestion share that same base stock.
Ya this is what he said earlier.
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