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Old 06-09-2003, 01:06 AM
bongy bongy is offline
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Richmond
Posts: 43
bongy is on a distinguished road

Dawn heat wave...

I lost 4 colonies (2 yellow cap, 1 pink mill, 1 shao's coral) and endless amount of frags. Even my Xenia is not doing well.

My tank goes up to 90F yesterday. I usually keep my tank around 80F - 84F. I just bought a new fan from Canadian Tire yesterday and now the temp drops back to around 81F.

Another tips to further reduce temp is to turn off the actinic. Corals doesn't need the actinic to survive. For me, that's 220watt of tube, so it makes some different. I forgot about that until too late.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

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