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Old 03-11-2009, 05:08 PM
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vazgor vazgor is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: edmonton
Posts: 81
vazgor is on a distinguished road

Myka shame on you
how can you compair anything we do in Cananda for work to those in the military
you should just say thank you and keep your opinion to your self or at the verry least Donot voice them towards someone who has put his life on the line for your freedoms
i mean really how can you compare drilling a hole in the ground to being shoot at if it wasnt for our brave men and woman you wouldnt even have the chance to have a reef tank how many afgannis have a fish tank or for that matter a computer
now i'm shure this will be edited becouse any other time i have voiced my opinion someone seams to take ofence but i in good conchence cant let anyone rag on a man in the army all you should do is say thank you and is thee anything i can do to make your life easyer now that you have made it home alive
war is NOT a video game

So THANK YOU Asmodeus and welcome home