03-11-2009, 05:01 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Didsbury
Posts: 1,137
Originally Posted by asmodeus
Well my friend well said to a point however the Canadian army isn’t in Iraq, we are in Afghanistan
My tank is like the way is it due to the time and effort that i put into it over the last 7 years from watching other people make mistakes and not doing what they have done. And a lot of time and patience
To the money thing. I have 20 yrs in the Forces and put my self to the limits all the time. I’m 39 soon to be 40 yrs old this April 24th and I’m in a lot better shape then a lot of young soldiers in out unit. Now that where I'm at now my pay is pretty good. However I was stating that the Army does not get a lot of extra money for going over Sea's. Yes we don’t get to pay taxes for 6 months while we are deployed there. However the troops that are in battle there should see a lot more extra's for putting their life on the line every time that they are out side the wire. Making that little extra doesn’t make that much of a huge difference. Soyour comment about the tank really has no bearing on my over sea pay. A lot of civilian people don’t have a clue what training that we go thru to end up before deploying over sea for 7 months at a time. I’m not here to point fingers at you so you know that. It takes around 134 months to be operational ready to deploy of to Afghanistan. there is a lot of time away from your families too. But what I was getting at was for 77 dollars extra per day,
You are away from your family,
Shot at,
Shitty boil in the bag food,
Showers may be 10 in 7 months,
Get blown up,
Watching a buddy get shot,
You get shot.
Having a life altering decisions to make
Having post dramatic stress disorder. AKA PDSD
All for that extra money
or 77 dollars per day.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote