I am going to get claude to answer this personally for you but in the meantime this puts some light on the subject
DOSING Ultralith Filtration :
When starting the Ultralith method use a combination of Ultramin S with the bacterial starter solution UltraBak. Dose 3 ml each per 1000 L per day, and slowly reduce the amount to 2 ml per 1000 L per day. In cases of extreme nutrient depletion, reduce the dose further down to 1 ml per
1000 L per day.
The basic dose for both solutions in normally stocked tanks is 3 ml per 1000 L per day. Depending on the water parameters, this dose can be increased to up to 10 ml per 1000 L per day. By maintaining extremely low nutrient concentrations in the tank, the corals will reduce the amount of symbiotic algae in their tissue. This will on the one hand cause a more colorful coloration of the coral as the pigments are located below the layer that contains the algae, but also reduce the amount of food the corals will receive from their symbiotic algae. In order to provide enough food for the corals to maintain optimal growth and coloration please use Ultramin S. This solution will provide the essential nutrition for the corals, including vitamins and trace
elements. This solution also contains carbon sources, which will also aid the nutrient reduction in the tank. The lower the nutrient concentrations in the tank, the smaller the dose has to be.
Through the separate dosing of coral foods and color-enhancing trace elements it is possible to increase growth rates and coloration without any negative effects on the water parameters.