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Old 03-11-2009, 03:13 PM
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acanthastrea freak
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
This post is directed at the general population, not asmodeus in particular:

Sorry to point it out, but if you don't like your work's monetary compensation (talking to everyone here not just asmodeus), why don't you get a different job?

Honestly, I think there are too many people in this world that want everything for nothing. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get what you want (whether that be monetary or otherwise). I gave up practically my entire life for the winter so I could work on the oil rigs and make some good cash so I can do a few things I've wanted to do for a long time (like travel). The winter has been long and tough with very few days off, little thanks, and I work crazy hours (one of many stretches was 13 hours sleep in 10 days), but it has paid off for me. If it didn't give me what I was after (in my case monetary gain) I wouldn't be doing it.

I don't believe the Canadian military should have a presence in Iraq right now, so I have a hard time supporting our government paying a large amount to the troops. I understand that asmodeus probably works physically quite hard, for this I have a lot of respect to anyone, and believe there should be decent monetary gain by doing so (just not in Iraq eep).

Oops, I think I opened a can of worms. the looks of your tank and its inhabitants and equipment, (really nice!!) it doesn't look like you're doing really all that bad financially.
Well my friend well said to a point however the Canadian army isn’t in Iraq, we are in Afghanistan
My tank is like the way is it due to the time and effort that i put into it over the last 7 years from watching other people make mistakes and not doing what they have done. And a lot of time and patience
To the money thing. I have 20 yrs in the Forces and put my self to the limits all the time. I’m 39 soon to be 40 yrs old this April 24th and I’m in a lot better shape then a lot of young soldiers in out unit. Now that where I'm at now my pay is pretty good. However I was stating that the Army does not get a lot of extra money for going over Sea's. Yes we don’t get to pay taxes for 6 months while we are deployed there. However the troops that are in battle there should see a lot more extra's for putting their life on the line every time that they are out side the wire. Making that little extra doesn’t make that much of a huge difference. Soyour comment about the tank really has no bearing on my over sea pay. A lot of civilian people don’t have a clue what training that we go thru to end up before deploying over sea for 7 months at a time. I’m not here to point fingers at you so you know that. It takes around 134 months to be operational ready to deploy of to Afghanistan. there is a lot of time away from your families too. But what I was getting at was for 77 dollars extra per day,
You are away from your family,
Shot at,
Shitty boil in the bag food,
Showers may be 10 in 7 months,
Get blown up,
Watching a buddy get shot,
You get shot.
Having a life altering decisions to make
Having post dramatic stress disorder. AKA PDSD
All for that extra money
or 77 dollars per day.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.