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Old 06-08-2003, 12:57 AM
psuedo psuedo is offline
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Location: Richmond
Posts: 186
psuedo is on a distinguished road
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okay, with my tank being screwed up with the temperature, I have now lost my longhorn cowfish ( with no ill effects on the tank...yet ), my cleaner shrimp and my strawberry psuedochromis. Corals seem to be fine, for now. Elegance has now doubled in size after all this stuff, and the same goes for my mushrooms. I can't seem to find my arrow crab, but I did find a recent molted shell of his. The anemone crab survived and the olive tang, and my redtail diadema, and both of my clownfish, even though my small sebae was laying on his side this morning having problems breathing. The tank temperature has now been brought somewhat under control for now, it is at 86.6, not bad for 6pm.
I am crossing my fingers for the next few days
Starting to put together a new tank for my new place.
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