Thread: dead cucumber
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Old 03-10-2009, 04:02 AM
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jaydsl jaydsl is offline
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wow mine moved non stop , all over the glass and rocks , i thought he was cool thats why i got him , the family named him our big black turd , he seemed happy and had him in my 55g for about 4 months no probs but just as i moved every thing over to the 150g and he cad to find the one pump that was open if it wasn't for that i think every thing would have been fine from move , couple hours after move the fish found a hole to live and started to eat already , even some crabs and snails died , brittle star seems fine so far and toad stool , frog spawn aswell seem so far for now , well now i guess i can finish the stand and hood and lights , will be adding that stuff to tank journal , if my plan come true it will be cool , as i work in a finishing shop , polyester piano finish is in my head ,
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