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Old 03-10-2009, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Lance View Post
He`s a cute little guy Laurie. Have fun with him.
Thanks, I will.

I really wanted one for awhile but of course as soon as you want a certain fish you can't find it for sale anywhere. So after a few months of looking at LFS I saw him.

However when I first saw him on Jan. 30th at a lfs he looked really bad, honestly as much as I wanted a red coris, I thought for sure this one would be dead in a few days, he was really skinny and just laid down at the bottom of the tank. However I went back to that lfs on Feb. 14th and much to my surprise he was still alive. He still was still somewhat skinny but he was swimming around a bit. I still wasn't sure though since he was so much smaller/skinnier then everyone else in my FOWLR tank and I didn't want him to be out competed for food, so I resisted the urge to buy him.

Well when I went back to that same lfs on Feb. 22nd and he was still there, I thought to myself well he looks a lot better then when I first saw him, I wonder if he's eating. Luckily the staff there was just about to feed mysis to the tank he was in, so I watched closely to see if he was eating. Well after he gobbled up a fair amount of mysis I thought to myself he just had to come home with me.

Ironically I was at that same lfs on March 7th and they just had a guy surrender (from his home tank) a very large about 8" very fat red coris wrasse to them. They didn't have a price up yet but I bet he'd cost a lot more then the one I paid for

Overall though I'm very happy with my little guy. He's eating lots (mysis and pellets) and I'm sure I'll fatten him up in no time. Plus he's got a lot of spunk and personality
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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