03-09-2009, 03:38 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 107
Originally Posted by superg3
I have a 3mth old JBJ 28g. I was in the same toss up. I liked the fact that the JBJ has better lighting. I keep a very happy clam and a couple sps that seem to be doin' well. However I really liked the size of the red sea max and the wires are much MUCH more neatly tucked away. I got my tank and stand for seven brown bills which was less than what I could get a RSM for. As far as the skimmer goes, I get about 1/2 a cup every week. Everything seems to be doing fine, so I won't be upgrading it. The only upgrade I'd like to add is some atinic lighting.
It's currenlty stocked with
xenia, 2x frogspawns, lots of zoa, 2x sps coral, 3 kinds of mushrooms, huge torch coral, and some candycane
Clam, cleaner shrimp, yellow & six line wrasse, pair of clowns, striped damsel, sea urchin, crabs and snails.
can i see a picture of your tank?