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Old 03-08-2009, 05:51 AM
Naked Wookie Naked Wookie is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: lloyldminster SK
Posts: 21
Naked Wookie is on a distinguished road

went to get a small clean up crew and ended up walking out with corals funny how that works huh.
so for CUC so far I got 5 blue legged hermits and these are tiny tiny little ones not the larger blue legged, and 1 nassarius snail, and 3 brittle stars he tossed in.
so now for some pics.

brittle star hiding already.

GSP thats supposed to grow up the back well yet.

gorilla nips not opened yet, they are peaking out now although.

yay snail.

my small kenya tree and zoa polyp frag.

baby ric

and tiny little guy.
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