I started a freshwater tank a number of years ago, and really got into cichlids for awhile. One of the local stores I started going to had saltwater, I ended up working there for awhile to help the owner out was to receive a saltwater setup in payment. When the store ended up closing before I could get it fully setup, I got the tank and was rushed into the hobby by the owner who suggested I take a couple of butterflies to cycle the tank. Unfortunately I haven't done enough reading and took them. On about the 5th day, I had read enough and realized the stupidity of what I was doing and gave the fish to a friend who had a bigger tank.
Left without a LFS I then started shopping at Petcetera. Well need I say more about that? I soon stopped.
About 4 months later I realized how my 48 gal cichlid tank would look so much better as a reef. About 6 months after that I found a great deal on a badly scratched 90 gallon tank.
I've fought through, dinoflagellates, various algaes, red bugs, monti eating flatworms, caulerpa and the most evilest of plagues, the sandbed

If it weren't for the internet, Canreef and a myriad of reefers meeting I don't think I would have continued. Luckily I found you guys early on and I'm hooked!