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Old 03-04-2009, 09:28 PM
Whatigot Whatigot is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Coquitlam, B.C.
Posts: 680
Whatigot is on a distinguished road

sorry for the somewhat off topic banter...
When I was really considering switching to 400's, just about everyone told me that the bump in par and watts was just not worth the extra heat and electrical draw...

I decided to stick with my 250 de's, based on seeing untamed's tank on 250 de's at a 27" or 28" depth and the growth and color he had would make just about any reefer happy.

I think unless you're like 30" or deeper, I can't imagine it's worth the benefits when you don't have to look at too many tank of the months to see that for most set ups, 250 is a lot of wattage....
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