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Old 03-04-2009, 05:17 PM
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I won't be doing anything until I do my homework for awhile. I have been trying to catch my Queen angel since he is showing signs of sickness. Not having very much luck with that at this point...

Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Be wary of overreacting. I'm very sorry about the angels but treating a main tank is a recipe for disaster. I don't mean to sound cruel here, but listen to yourself: is a medication intended to kill off flukes reef-safe? By very definition, it is not. The whole idea of a medication is you're trying to poison your tank to the point that the "baddies" drop off while hopefully leaving enough "goodies" leftover to repopulate.

My suggestion is that if you do not 100% unequivocally know for certain that you have flukes in your system, that you do not nuke your tank with any medication.

On the flip side, if you have enough evidence to suggest that other fish may be affected, the wiser course of action is still to catch those fish and treat them separately in a hospital tank. Running your main display fallow of hosts will go far further than any medication.

Be very careful about overreactions in this hobby, it's very easy to overcompensate or overcorrect and then you're facing a worse situation and one of your own making. Please be careful.
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