clams will try to move around to find desirable conditions, there may be something he doesn't like in the spot you have chosen. as recommended by others, half bury a small flat rock ( or similar ) down in the sand and place the clam on top, he will attach in time if he's happy. then you can move the clam and his rock around in the tank.
what type of lighting and how much flow do you have??
120S RR tank with 60G basement sump / fuge
Return Pump: Little Giant 4-MDQX SC
Water Movement: Seio 1500, (2) Hydor Koralia 4's
Lighting: 400W SE MH with 14K Aqua Connect
Skimmer: Euro-Reef RS250 with gate valve
Other: RODI, RDSB, PO4 / AC reactor