Originally Posted by andestang
 Welcome to the board ! Have any info on your setup ?
I bought JohnCody's setup off of him a few days ago Bought new bulkheads for it and some more LS and 3 buckets of salt. Hooked up the RO unit and began filling it up a few days back. Last night it started leaking all over I had just finished adding the LS to it and was within 5-10 gallons of being full (Sump and Tank) when i noticed water on the bottom trim I tryed drying it off with several methods (Blowing, Paper towel, Towel) and it kept coming so I have gotten most of the water out now but it is still leaking as we speak I saved all of the water because I didnt feel like wasting all the salt and RO water. I cant belive that JohnCody would have such bad luck then he gets the warranty tank and wow I didnt even get to stick a LR in the tank to try to spike the ammonia and its already leaking Not sure what it is if it is the stand or if It is some weird fluke that 2 tanks leak
Any suggestions would be great!
Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
Hey Phil,
Welcome to Canreef. Good luck with the tank.
Doh You jinxed me Anthony LOL
Originally Posted by elias
welcome to the board
Yep thanks kindly