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Old 03-03-2009, 05:52 AM
Naked Wookie Naked Wookie is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: lloyldminster SK
Posts: 21
Naked Wookie is on a distinguished road

well I had only thought I was going to get sand today and rock the next day or so buttt we all know how that ends.
kelly at The Reef Shoppe was incredibly helpful, amazing stuff he has at his place very crisp and clean tanks. and that display tank simply wow just beautiful. ( I will def be back in a few days for corals and such once this things ready )
also good thing and yet bad thing is his tanks are only 4-5 blocks from my dorms uh oh

here is sand and rock + ghetto reflector till I can buy wood to build a legit canopy tomorrow.

I will get better photos tomorrow once the water is crystal clear again. that and mod the AC200 into the fuge.

(thinking of looking at sexy shrimp, porcelain crab, been told I could do a yellow tailed damsel or damsel similar sized or a small goby, not sure may just keep it inverts and coral only)
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