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Old 03-03-2009, 12:09 AM
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Pazil Pazil is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 361
Pazil is on a distinguished road

Quick Update..... Finally mixed enough RO/DI water to fill the tank and sump. Everything is now running. I will move the wavemaker over to the new tank after it finishes cycling and I move all of the inhabitants from the 34g cube over.

I stopped into Red Coral Yesterday and purchased about 105lbs of LR. Here is how the final aquascaping will stay ...... I will also be adding the 40 lbs. of LR from the smaller tank to add to the towers and add some sand (also from the smaller tank).... when that time comes (approx. 20lbs) I just want to add enough to cover the bottom for looks.

No Flash... my camera skills are seriously lacking

Flash on

Sump.... the skimmer is breaking in.

I still have not decided entirely on what to do with the stand... but it is looking like I will re-tile the fireplace mantle and tile the stand to match. I have left a ledge on the couch side of the tank for my coffee while admiring the new addition.

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