OK So this is how I think this will go down,
PM me the corals you would like to get. I will gather the list and forward it to Wickedfrags. Once availability has been confirmed each person will be responsible to pay Wicked Frags through one of there accepted payment methods.
Wicked frags will then ship the entire order to me. I will ensure everyone is aware of the arrived date and time. I will have it shipped to my office in Richmond as we get early Fedex shipments daily. If anyone is available to meet at my office that is OK. If not I will bring the frags to my house and float the bags. If the frags can not be pick up that day I will then unbag the corals and put them in my frag system.
Any DOAs I will contact Wickedfrags ASAP and take care of any of those issues until you pick the coral up.
Sound OK