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Old 03-02-2009, 03:36 AM
spanky spanky is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Calgary, Canyon Meadows S.W
Posts: 80
spanky is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
I told him if he went out in public looking like that all the dogs in the neighborhood would laugh at him. Only way you can get him for a walk without freezing up though.

As we mentioned, this is how possessive they can be. One of our suitcases when we went away for Christmas. Not going without me.
That is so cute! Yeah these little guys need a sweater at least in the winter, my old dacshund used to freeze up outside and we would have to get him. Mind you we were living in regina and winnipeg for most of his life. In calgary with my guys its not to bad, but we have had some -30 days this winter. Thats when you have to force them outside or we might find a "treat" hidden somewhere in the house.
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