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Old 03-02-2009, 12:14 AM
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my2rotties is on a distinguished road
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Griffie finally came out for all but two minutes. The shrimp was on his back fin hanging onto him. I went to grab the phone to snap a pictures and they went back to Griff's cave. It was the funniest thing to behold since the shrimp is so red and white riding on a whale of a fish, its whiskers jostling. It reminded me of a girl at sea world riding on the back of a killer whale or something.

He is looking like a brand spanking new fish!!! Even when he came home he had darker spots that looked like his pigmentation. Now he honestly looks like he went in for a power polish in the body shop. I don't know if he had dead skin that dulled the skin but it is gone. He is bright white and shiny with the brown markings. Even his eyes are brighter and shiny.

I don't think I will see him much for the next little while. Dinner time is coming for the fish and everybody is out front and begging... but no Griffie.

The interesting thing is I watched a documentary on shrimp that hitch hike of jelly fish, and live on nudibranches as well as inside anemones. It talked about the symbiotic relationship between the two and how the shrimp used them for protection... Now I have the same thing happening in my tank.

Well I am not sure about it, but it sure looks cool. Wish I had a way for filming it or getting a decent picture...
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