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Old 02-28-2009, 12:56 AM
i have crabs's Avatar
i have crabs i have crabs is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Airdrie
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i have crabs is on a distinguished road

well its been 2 months since i changed the bulbs in my tek light so i did some more tests,
i also tested my new cube, thier are 2x 4bulb 24" tek fixtures so 8 bulbs total same as my reef just 24" vs 48"
when i tested the reef the first time i dropped the legs to the lowest point so it would be the same always now i dont know what the heck happened maybe i had the fixture slid forward or back differently but the numbers seem better this time around, could be the clarity of the water maybe also, the spots tested might be slightly different but its just a reference so its not exact, the light on buth tanks was 4.75" off the water
on the reef tank
410,350 on the right- 17"
350 on the left -19"
360,290- 21"
310-26" bottom of the tank

the new cube- the water is less that perfectly clear but good still
but what the heck do i know
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