Hi Mark,
Hey sorry got a little side tracked.
Yes it is a bit odd that Im considering dosing with nitrates. It comes down to two things. need and reliability. If in time i need to boost the nitrates I want the most reliable means. My lab associate is arranging for some reagent grade sodium nitrate to try out.
I have come to a final decision on the clam tank. Im going with a plan similar to your suggestions from a few weeks ago. Im looking to custom design something on the order of 30*36(or 48 if the boss lets me) with a height of 18 inches. Drilled on two corners. Plus i think I have a means to control the surface aggitation better then the dar waterfall design.
Give me a ring this weekend if you have time. Come check out my sad clam.
|NAS- If it's not broke, don't fix it.