When I lost my Pacu (grown from toonie size to about 10" across) maybe 12 years ago or so it was quite drawn out. Had an eye infection that spread and I tried everything I could to no avail. I had him out in the alley of my parent's place and my friend pulls up on his bicycle as I am trying to bash the poor guy with a big rock to end his misery.
The fish was not dying very fast and I was bawling my eyes out. I was pretty embarrassed but yeah you can get attached.
Little more off-topic than my pacu...I lost my turtle that I had had for about 7 years. I was in grade 10 I think. Anyways my mom knew I was pretty devastated. She was kind enough to call my high school. I get called down to the principals office and I'm freaking out. I walk in and he asks me how I'm doing...he heard my turtle had died!
Still not as bad as finding a cat down in the basement. That's a heart-ripper.