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Old 02-26-2009, 06:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
Because of that, I don't live in the "future", I don't worry about what might happen in 2012. I live for today, cheesy I know, but that's the truth. Ask anyone who knows me. I live hard, party hard (hahaha), love hard and am brutally honest. No regrets about anything.

And done. LOL
I hear you completely one this one...

I don't talk about it much (never comes up) but I will most likely not live a long normal life and have known that since I was a kid. I was diagnosed with cancer at 3 and have had it come and go all my life. Ha...I wasn't even suppose to make it this long originally. That has kind of forced me to live for each day. I honestly don't know any different. So for me I guess hearing the end of the world could be 2012, well...its just the same thing. Someone with my disease CAN'T live for the future. It may never come

Weird to talk about this cause there is only maybe one or two people on here that know this about me.

(Been wanting to use this one )

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 02-26-2009 at 06:50 AM.
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