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Old 02-26-2009, 12:05 AM
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You dress your dogs up? AWESOME!!!

Rotties have n sense of humor when it comes to clothing f any kind. My Stafford Fergus has a few sweaters, one being argyle as well. I think he is aware that he may look gay and will run into the under brush until the sweater either comes off or is destroyed. I need to get him a nut warmer for the deep Bragg Creek snow, he suffers huge amounts of shrinkage when he is out.

Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
well they now have matching jerseys.... Oscar also has an argyle sweater (omg) and booties for when we go for walks in the snow.

And because I didn't want Dex left out I bought him a polo shirt...the collar even pops.

I can't believe I just did that. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I just realized I have two German dogs (Dexter and Oscar are very German names LOL) so for halloween I'm dressing them up as WW2 soldiers.
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