Originally Posted by my2rotties
Yup I have two furnaces and two hot water tanks as well. I never have the furnace on in my place to my hubby's dismay. I put on a sweater and slippers if it's cold in the house. One furnace runs the main floor and one the upstairs. If we are not on one of the floors the furnace is off. Sometimes I will be in bed and hear the furnace kick on downstairs and I won't sleep unless I go shut it off...
The fish tank must run at all times, but I am already looking at how long the lights run for and how long they should run for. I like the halides on all day but that won't be happening anymore. 
You would actually get much better coral growth by NOT having the halides run all day. There seems to still be a big debate about how long is best but it has been determined that its certainly NOT 8-12 hours a day like many people do but much less. I think one of the last few TOTM on RC was running his 5 hours a day. I am at 6 hours a day now.