Originally Posted by Rbacchiega
you're very mature for your age, Karazy. Got a good head on your shoulders, don't lose that.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions/philosopies what have you. I used to work at a bowling alley way back in the day and there was this WW2 vet who actually wrote and published a book explaining his theory on humans and evolution. I read it and it had some interesting points regarding pyramids, unexplained phenomina etc. I'll have to try and find it, he was a great guy, Alfred, was part of the Polish Nazi group and still held fast to his beliefs (scary, and I didn't agree with any of it, but admirable)
Personally, I don't follow any sort of particular religion. I find aspects of each and sort of go with what works for me. I had alot of bad experiences when I was little, and, I'm not affraid to admit it, I believe in ghosts (but that's a whole other thread, interesting story though). But I've also died. I was dead for about a minute on the operating table when I was 10. Because of that, I don't live in the "future", I don't worry about what might happen in 2012. I live for today, cheesy I know, but that's the truth. Ask anyone who knows me. I live hard, party hard (hahaha), love hard and am brutally honest. No regrets about anything.
And done. LOL
I am always wondering what people who died see on the other side? or is it nothing just void? I think time does not exist on the other side and one minute means nothing it could be a minute here but a long time there...
herd many stories but still fascinated by this phenomenon.
One thing for sure is true for all who died that this will change the person in many ways!
thank you so much for sharing that !