you're very mature for your age, Karazy. Got a good head on your shoulders, don't lose that.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions/philosopies what have you. I used to work at a bowling alley way back in the day and there was this WW2 vet who actually wrote and published a book explaining his theory on humans and evolution. I read it and it had some interesting points regarding pyramids, unexplained phenomina etc. I'll have to try and find it, he was a great guy, Alfred, was part of the Polish Nazi group and still held fast to his beliefs (scary, and I didn't agree with any of it, but admirable)
Personally, I don't follow any sort of particular religion. I find aspects of each and sort of go with what works for me. I had alot of bad experiences when I was little, and, I'm not affraid to admit it, I believe in ghosts (but that's a whole other thread, interesting story though). But I've also died. I was dead for about a minute on the operating table when I was 10. Because of that, I don't live in the "future", I don't worry about what might happen in 2012. I live for today, cheesy I know, but that's the truth. Ask anyone who knows me. I live hard, party hard (hahaha), love hard and am brutally honest. No regrets about anything.
And done. LOL
75 gallon with 20 gallon sump in the works.
R. Bacchiega. Tattooer
I didn't smack you, I simply High Fived your face.
I've got so much glue on my pants it looks like a Friday night gone horribly wrong.