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Old 02-24-2009, 05:34 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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sphelps is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by bassman View Post
From what I have come to understand humanity is evolving at a rate not seen since we emerged from water. Science proves this too. We are developing a 3rd Helix in our DNA, some children being born right now already have this Helix. These children are born lighter, reported to be able to move objects with thought, fill empty glasses of water by looking at them and they are telepathic.
Haha, really? I mean REALLY?? I think if a women giving birth to 8 children can make world wide news I'm pretty sure superheros would also make the news.

As for the poles switching, keep in mind this does happen every half million years or so and I don't know where the date 2012 came from because as far as I know it has only been narrowed down to within the next 1000 years. I'm not sure how anyone could pin point the date if they have no clue how long the process takes. Also Humans have not been through this before but apes have. I wouldn't expect much other than a lot of electrical storms and interference.

Also keep in mind many other "world end" predictions made have already passed and we're still here. Hopefully most of society isn't too gullible to buy into any of this.
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