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Old 02-24-2009, 03:40 PM
bassman bassman is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Quesnel, BC
Posts: 313
bassman is on a distinguished road

Well here goes.

From what I have come to understand humanity is evolving at a rate not seen since we emerged from water. Science proves this too. We are developing a 3rd Helix in our DNA, some children being born right now already have this Helix. These children are born lighter, reported to be able to move objects with thought, fill empty glasses of water by looking at them and they are telepathic.

The Mayan calendar is being mis-interpereted. By man!? how can this be? LOL The end of "time" is referring the end of keeping track of time, when once again we remember that time itself is man-made and simply does not exist.

There is a change taking place on our planet right now, it started some years ago. It is being reported in all sectors of life and being called something different by each one. Science says this...., religion says this....,theologist say this....,each sector is seeing something and describing it the way they are seeing it. The way it makes sense to them, but they are ALL seeing it.

I am sure I have lost a few of you by now which is okay, I am just another "source" describing it in a way that makes sense to me. Some will hear what I say while others won't, they will have to hear it in a way that makes sense to them. It will have to come from the source they currently rely on for their information.

I have spent my entire life exploring this thing we call life, where we are, how our world works, why we are here and where we are going. I have explored many areas but do not adhere to any one belief system. I look for the common denominators, the things they ALL agree on. I am happy to report that after 38 yrs I have figured it out and can explain it on pretty much any level.

However, due to the fact that these are my beliefs and only that I am not interested in participating in any arguments or debates. I know what I know because I am here to help but the nature of my message excludes arguing or trying to force my perceptions on those that do not wish to hear them.

That being said if any of you would like to know more and are coming with an open mind I would be more then happy to share my findings with you. PM me or send me an email at

This is truly the best time to have ever lived!


230 mixed reef / 230 gal sump/fuge
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