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Old 02-24-2009, 01:11 AM
R7-12 R7-12 is offline
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Location: Abbotsford, BC
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Default FS: Euro-Reef CS400 & New Wave Light

Hello all,

My brother-in-law (Jay) recently purchased a skimmer that better matches his sump and bio-load so he is putting up his Euro-Reef CS400 skimmer for sale.

He doesn’t have a computer so I am posting it for him.

Jay has used the ER skimmer for almost 2 years without any problems. It is rated for 400 gallons so it was a bit overkill on his 200 gallon tank.

As you can see from the pics, this skimmer produces monster foam and pulls enormous amounts of dark nog!

New, it sold for about $1300 US (approx. $1600 CDN) and is in excellent condition. Jay is asking $925 CDN obo and will include the gate valve kit he paid extra for. Both SP4 pumps and needle wheels are in great condition.

Jay also has 2 brand new replacement SP4 pumps that have never been used. They retail for $140 US (approx. $175 CDN), but he will let them go for $150 each CDN.

CS400 skimmer + 2 extra pumps: $1200 obo.

Skimmer specs:
Height: 24’
Footprint: 18” x 18”
Body: 12”
Output: 1.5”
2 x SP4 needle wheel pumps
Lph: 1800
Power: 90 W

Shortly after cup was cleaned

Serious foam production!

All cleaned up!

SP4 pumps

New replacement SP4 pumps

Jay is also selling a New Wave 24” 4-bulb light fixture with only limited use on it. It originally sold for $150 CDN without bulbs. Jay is asking $125 CDN, but will include 3 Giesemann Aquablue + bulbs and 1 Terra Grow 6400K.

This is my first time uploading images so I hope these pics don't come out over sized, I edited them down to keep them small but they look huge in the preview???

Please PM if interested.

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