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Old 02-23-2009, 07:22 PM
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justinl justinl is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 1,245
justinl is on a distinguished road

yeah +1, friendliest board Ive ever come across. Ive been on grimreefers (which i think is gone), NR, Aquariumpros, 3reef, BCaquaria,, RC, canreef. Over time, I have pretty much phased out of all of them except for the latter two. And im only on RC regularly for the sheer volume of knowledge on there and the specialists that frequent the place... I too sometimes regret posting there at all. I don't feel any need to be a lurker around here though. mind, you not all RC members are jerks though; its just the few know-it-all high-and-mighty and the other few dimwits who are completely convinced that they're right about everything in life; im not sure who irks me more. NR also deserves special mention since i enjoyed that one... that one is chock full of a-holes but it can actually be more fun posting there than on RC; the admin there just don't moderate much is all so it can get pretty rough there, but that's fine if you can handle it.
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