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Old 02-23-2009, 07:17 PM
Whatigot Whatigot is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Coquitlam, B.C.
Posts: 680
Whatigot is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by alfredshouse View Post
This person is new and is asking for help. Cant you be supportive and give advice instead of making mean comments. This is suppose to help people and not make them feel like idiots.
I would advise PMing comments like that...
otherwise, it's just sort of hypocritical.
I understand the point abyss was making and I doubt it was meant to be anything but facetious but too the point of this thread....

You really should get a good book on reef aquariums, you will find that they are a really good place to start and then go back to when you need info.
you can pm me if you'd like a good suggestion or two on one.

It will save you the hassle of asking a question on the board everytime you have one, not that we're not happy to help, some of us are too much so but you will find that many of us see the same questions come up when individuals are first starting out in the hobby and they could all easily be answered much faster by almost any of the better saltwater/reef aquarium books out there....

Last edited by Whatigot; 02-23-2009 at 07:20 PM.
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