ok, i am going to check my LFS and see what they are feeding this guy. He is in a FOWLR tank right now and is looking very chubby, so he is quite possibly already eating frozen. My plan to add the refugium seems to make sense as well. I am going to set my 10 gal up as a nano reef and breeding ground, sounds like i am going to need another tank now for my QT/HT. How many tanks is too many? 
Fluval Osaka 41g sumpless tank, 250w MH + 130W PC , DIY HOB refugium, Tunze 9002, Koralia 2, Koralia Nano
Toad Stool
Colt Coral
Purple Shrooms
Red Shrooms
Candy Cane Coral
Hammer Coral
Moon Coral
Copper Banded Shrimp..and growing