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Old 02-23-2009, 10:10 AM
nanoreefer nanoreefer is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: BC
Posts: 100
nanoreefer is on a distinguished road

i have used matts method of weaning on several mandarins over the last few years it works well, except you cant get live adult brine shrimp here so i had to grow my own wich is hard work but vary worth it,

i have one male now in an 8g biocube been there for almost nine months and doing well, it was a pair but the female disapeared soon after i added the male, he loves sushi roe, brine, mysis ect but some times gos off food for a week or more for some reason? also he eats bristleworms!

make sure if your feeding frozen to use selcon or some other supplemt on the food, to increase pods you can make some "boxes" out of egg crate and fill them with plastic dish scrubbers and place them behind the LR, or place the LR in mounds with lots of small peices inside so the pods can breed there,
feed the tank with of phyto and crushed up pellets like NLS,
you can set up a 10g and grow them theres its easy, i had them growing with my brine shrimp most of the time, and try and get some isopods as well there larger and mandarins love them
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