What is wrong
My lights are Hamilton, came with glass shield, dont know if it is UV shield.
I do run carbon.
Alkalinity is 100 mg/L tested with Hagen
I did start corals off low moved them higher after a week, I will try raising my lights to 12 inches off surface and cut back to a six hour time.
I thought the magnesium might have been low. Using aquacraft Meerzsalt and have since heard it is low in mag, have also noticed the coraline is not growing so much which I read is a sign.
Whatcaneyedo - it is me. The frags I got from you were not the only ones I lost. After seeing your coral I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with the specimens.
Will try retesting the ones of concern
What would be the best way to raise the Alk and Mag?