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Old 02-22-2009, 06:35 AM
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Lance Lance is offline
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Location: Powell River, B.C.
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Lance is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
*gasp* How can anyone hate an Iguana. My two (both Reds) are sweethearts. They're in bed now, but when I'm home during the day they get free range. except for in the sulcata room

Okay, Hijack over
That thing was horrible! It was a good pet until it laid a huge clutch of eggs, (do lizards lay clutches?), then it turned into the Satan Reptile. It would attack anybody and anything. I had built it a 6' high by 4'x4' glass and plywood home with a large dead tree limb to climb on. When anyone came near it's home it would launch itself at them and smack into the glass. We couldn't let it out anymore because it would chase and bite anything in its path. Not to mention the whipping with its tail. Not a nice girl.
PS: What is a sulcata room?
225g reef
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