A friend called me this morning and we were chatting about politics and such. I mention humanity is pretty much destined to destroy itself, and my friend mentioned it is supposed to happen in 2012. I laughed about it since how many times have we heard this already.
So I am home alone this fine Saturday night and decided to look into it... I was surprised about all the info there is and much of it is not alarmist... So here are some tidbits I found because I am a loser and have nothing better to do on a Saturday night.
Mayan Calendar Ends on December 21, 2012
Mayans were the first people to predict the end of the world in 2012. They were notorious for their highly accurate astrological tools they built out of stone and for bloodthirsty sacrificing of Virgins.
Mayans calculated the length of the lunar moon thousands of years ago - according to their calculations, the lunar moon lasts 329.53020 days - which is only inaccurate by 34 seconds. If Mayans were able to calculate the length of Lunar Cycle so accurately thousands of years ago, is it possible that their calculation of the end of the world - which according to their calculations falls on December 21, 2012 - is also that accurate?
Sun Storms Reach its Peak in 2012
Scientists studying solar energy and the behavior of the Sun have noticed that the Sun Storms have been radiating the Earth with so much deadly energy, many of human made satellites and power grids have been knocked out as results of this radiation. The calculations suggest that this solar activity is going to get worse and its peak will be reached in 2012.
Religions, Bible, I-Ching, Hindu - All Warn Us About 2012
It’s not only scientists that are coming with warnings regarding the end of the world, but also religions of all sorts say the same. Western book of all books – Bible, representing Christians reveals that the battle between Goon and Evil “Armageddon” has been set to take place in 2012. Chinese Book of Changes also known as I-Ching also mentions 2012 as the year of the end of the world. Hindu teachings suggest the very same thing.
Yellowstone Volcano Will Erupt in 2012
The Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park in the US is world famous for its thermal springs which sit right above the world’s largest volcano. The pattern of erupting the Yellowstone volcano has been following repeats itself every 650 thousand years. For whatever reason, the volcano is past overdue with its eruption, but the pressure in its depths is building and the geologists predict that it will go off in 2012 with a massive bang, filling the sky with thick layers of ash, potentially blocking the sun and throwing the Earth into a 15 000 years long freezing winter.
Poles Will Shift in 2012
The Earth is protected from Sun’s radiations by the magnetic field that surrounds it. The North and the South poles of the Earth Swap places every 750 thousands years or so. When pole swapping occurs, the magnetic field disappears often for as long as hundred years exposing the planet to the radiation of the Sun that is so strong it will burn the skin crisp in seconds. Right now, the pole swapping is overdue about 30 000 years from its usual pattern. However, scientists are noticing that the poles are starting to shift faster and faster, moving about 25 kilometers every year, which is much faster than has ever been recorded before. This is likely a sign of the pole shift coming very, very soon. Scientists are estimating that the pole shift will take place in… you guessed it – year 2012.
So what do you all think... maybe I won't do my taxes for the next few years...