Sorry guys, but I just felt the urge to chime in here....very untypical of myself, particularly as a retailer here on Canreef...not a mediator, bragger or wanting to get another post like some here.
Our coral tank was battling some Phosphate and Nitrate spikes, which resulted in several algaes (Cotton Candy Algae, Green Hair Algae, Valonia, etc.) issues, poor polyp extension and coloration....common problems stemming from a high bio-load within the nutrient rich waters of a small closed system. This tank and its inhabitants demanded more attention. We also did not want to spend additional time and money on equipment, additives, water changes, etc. I started reading the threads here on Canreef, other forums and European sites. It sounded too good to be true...and like most other products, I need to try them before I pass judgement. I purchased my FAUNA MARIN Ultra Lith starter kit and Ultra Power-Trace additives last month. I removed the Red Sea AquaZone Ozonizer/Controller, Phosban reactor and extra pumps....then started dosing on February 1/09. The results were obvious within days. As Mike stated here earlier, the Nitrates and Phosphates dropped better than with the iron-based medias...even with the heated sample indicated 0 Phosphates. My Nitrates have dropped to less than 5 ppm and the glass is so clean that it seldom requires cleaning. Polyp extension and SPS colors are excellent and getting better every day. Our future seems brighter with the FAUNA MARIN Ultra Lith system. Now I gotta tell you, I do not force people to purchase product (particularly something that is relatively new to myself). That is just not me. As a matter of fact, I detest high pressure sales people. I must say that from what I have experienced thus far, this portion of the FAUNA MARIN line is truly amazing and should have no problem selling itself. It rightfully deserves two thumbs up in our books. Still skeptical?? I encourage you to stay online, read and ask questions..even try it yourself. Soon you too will be a believer.
Unfortunately there are very few pictures of our coral tank prior to initiating the Ultra Lith program, however, I will try to post some pictures here within the next few days. Mike should too...If he ever gets back from shopping.

I want to see the
Acropora suharsonoi and
Acropora nana now!! Post some before and after pics if you can.
While I have the soap box, I also want to mention that you will receive superior support from Michael (aka AQUA-DIGITAL here on Canreef) and FAUNA MARIN. Attributed to this, THE REEF SHOPPE will be bringing the entire FAUNA MARIN product line on-board soon. Stay tuned.