well said , All you can do is tell people abou the product. you can't force them to use it. ,just show the results at the end of the day if some one wants to try it then that is great. If some one doesnt want to try it then that is fine. You will alway get some one that says what the heck and ask many question s before buying it. that is life and that is whe way the people operate they want to see reults before getting involved with it.
Not every tank is going to react to the supplements all the same some will disagree with the Fanua and some will tkae to it. Some tanks will crash when using it now id it from the product due to them totally stopping the product and going to something else? Or is did the people use the product the way he was instructed to use it, and that person got to gung ho and added something that he wasnt supposed to add.
SOme people want the perfect system to havePerfect levels on everything and 0 on every reading, May be Fauna will do that for some tanks, then there are tanks that probaby won't accept it that easy. So people can't afford Fauna, some people cnat afford ZEO, some are jsut bull headed to give out negitive thought s on the products, due to hearing it from a another reefer that it didnt work for him its not going to work for me.
IMO people are going to have different views on the product some will like it some will love it and some will just don't care to look at.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
Last edited by Skimmerking; 02-21-2009 at 01:05 PM.