hey Pan, no worries man, i was trying to get out a smart ass remark and i couldn't on the board its hard to when your typing lol. i know what you mean, im very specific when it comes to the reefing part. man im anal with all my testing and stuff. fixing this and moving that adjusting this and that. I'm a prefectionist.
I wont lie to you i wonder if the polyps that are coming out and the color that im getting is that not from other things that i do. Well i would think about it. like the red turf algae that i had that was getting bad there for a bit went away when i was using phosban it took awhile but the BIO did take the phosphates away super faster then the Phos ban. i couldnt keep the nitrates down with anything i tried over skimming, water changes, and no joy. but ULtra Bak took them down more then anything. All I wanted was to take the PO 4 down and the rid of NO3 and its done im happy so either try it or dont its goign to be up to you to discover.
im done here time to get some pic before mike takes me off the trial