Again exactly my point.
You clearly state you have no idea if the product is doing what it says it is, I am not being specific here to that brand, it could be any brand you say that about. But it points to exactly my point that you have a lacking confidence in what you use.
Our aim is to give consumers the confindence that they do know it is doing what it is supposed to through support, education and awareness.
Irrelevant of brand name or product type, if you are not sure if it really is doing anything, why use it.
You really have hit the nail on the head as to what we are trying to change in this industry, the constant drip feeding of tanks with products with no real confidence that they are actually doing anything.
By us providing regular independant reviews, high support networks for the product and consistant examples of the product in use we hope that will feed through to the client that they are using something they can have confidence in, and then if they ever feel they are not sure if the product is really doing what they hope they have an avenue to turn to for answers.
This whole thread has nothing to do with one brand better than the other, but 100% about fauna marin and if you have an inclining as to wanting to use it, you feel confident that you will get the best buyer confidence we can offer.
Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 02-21-2009 at 01:46 AM.