Originally Posted by noirsphynx
Hey Dave, how much are your Ponape frags?
I will keep an eye out for the LPS and frag/photo some of the ones I have in the frag tank. I can not hold many LPS in the main display with the 400W halides so they are limited to the frag system. I generally focus on fragging the growth that occurs in the display tank and do not buy corals stickly to frag.
Originally Posted by Myka
I would like WYSIWYG Scollys and Cynarinas. Some unusual (closed) brains would be nice in bright colors. Unusual LPS would be great in nice colors. Plus Blastos in all colors, Neon Green Candy Canes, any LPS you can find in blue or purple. Pink or white pipe organ coral (this one is HUGE on my list would prefer a small colony). Would like to see some bigger frag options. I'm impatient to wait for them to grow. Black sun corals.
Hey, since my order is still going through...what do you have that's not on your website? I would happily add to my order. I will email you too.
ORA does not ship to Canada to my knowledge. Sometime a couple local shop here manage to get some pieces in, but I only get them as frags so I would have to grow them out.
Bright red - well I am growing one out that fits that description.
Originally Posted by lorenz0
ORA bird of paradise
ORA red planet
but mostly red SPS. like bright blood red
The blue zoas on the site - the blues you will ever find. Just as those who have purchased them from me.
Originally Posted by Jack
Tubs blue zoos!
Thanks again for the feedback, and keep it coming! Dave